ok for the thing on ether renewal...IMO it sucks if you play the style i do. I gather about 10+ hydras to me first i just throw up kinetic armor of earth obsidian flesh and walk slowley around gathering up some hydras..using aura of restortion to renew my kinetic since its fast and recharges fast. Once i get about 10+ i throw up channeling and if my flesh wore off ..which i bet it did...throw it up and start spamming aftershock and crystal wave when they get recharged..while using stone daggers while waiting. I have not died with 10+ hydras on me in a long time....always use obsidian flesh right after you get knocked down. While your on ground have in on que, it seems to have a good chance of not getting hit by one. The max hydras i have ever taken at once is 14 hydras.
As for the second guy you can renew crystal wave for a quick 212 non negated dmg since it is 20 seconds.